The Top Places to Work in PR: Corporate—Discovery Communications

“Discovery is committed to creating a culture that supports employee development and learning,” says one Discovery employee. “It views employees as valued contributors, seeking broad input into strategic planning and decision-making on all levels, and providing ongoing opportunities for growth and development through mentoring and education.”

This summarizes Discovery’s “stimulating” and “exciting” work environment, which “challenges, rewards and encourages professional growth and career development.” The company’s performance-driven culture is underscored by its annual incentive compensation plan, as well as the annual pay analysis reports that are conducted to identify competitive rates in the marketplace and to determine the competitiveness of the existing salary structure.

There is also a big focus on diversifying the opportunities available to employees. Discovery’s MentorNet program matches protégés with mentors in different divisions, and employees are given the chance to work across departments through job rotations and taskforces. The company also offers tuition reimbursement and specialized training courses that are customized according to employees’ interests and career paths.

These benefits all play a role in making Discovery a company where, according to an employee survey, 95% of employees are proud to work. PRN