Search Results for: kami huyse
It is easier than ever to collect data about how your online communication is working. It seems that most organizations are sticking with the easy stuff, however. What happens after someone likes your brand or shows up on your webpage? Even if they “engage” with your brand on social media, where does that lead?
The discussion about how PR pros can get a “seat at the table” is a perennial issue. In many organizations there hasn’t been an expectation that PR could or even should drive business results. When you think like a C-suite executive about business value, you can creatively implement meaningful measurements that connect to the overall health of your organization.
Although there has been a lot of talk about the adoption of the Barcelona Principles in the public relations community over the past few years, there has been very little detail reported about the voluntary standards that the industry is adopting to put these principles into action.
The lines continue to blur between news delivered through traditional channels and through social networking. While many people are now getting news from social media, much of that news is shared from traditional media sources.
There are many potential metrics, or KPIs, that PR managers and directors can use as the basis to measure what impact social media and digital media have on a brand.
The prevalence of online communication channels have made it more complicated to measure the reputation of companies, while at the same time making reputational smears easier to commit.
September 25th, 2006 by PRNEWS
For doctors, it's M.D. For post-doctorate grads, it's Ph.D. For lawyers, it's Esq. Each signoff at the end of one's name is a conspicuous stamp of approval in many communities, a sign that said person…
Want to use your communications skills to help your community? The American Red Cross and the National Capital Chapter of PRSA are preparing a communications response team for the D.C. area. The Red Cross will…
Pitching and selling an idea in a foreign country has its potential pitfalls, and can quickly discourage even the most ambitious self-promoters. New York PR veteran/author Ray Josephs, however, has mastered the tricks and challenges…