PR Pulse

As authorities begin to assess the damage of Hurricane Rita (which interrupted the recovery from Hurricane Katrina), a new poll shows that Americans have more trust in private-
sector companies than they do in the government when it comes to responding to disasters. The poll, commissioned by Boston-based Cone Inc., which specializes in cause branding,
found that more than half of Americans believe companies should support relief-and-reconstruction efforts until all affected areas are thriving once again. The telephone-based
survey of more than 1,000 adults 18 years of age or older also homed in on the best ways for companies to support relief efforts:

Source: Cone Inc., September 2005

The BEST approach for companies to support relief efforts is to: September 2005
Give cash to meet immediate needs
Wait until real needs are identified and then apply business resources to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts
Give cash in the short term and then apply business resources to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts
Don't know