PR News Pop Quiz: How Do You ‘Measure’ Up?

Measurement is a huge topic of conversation among PR pros these days, particularly as the digital/social element has been added to the mix. So just how much do you know about PR measurement? The team at Cision created this quiz to test your metrics mojo (answers are below). 

True or False

1. There is no way to gauge for free how many inbound links from bloggers one external site has received over another.

2. Everyone talks about influence these days, but the only way to measure success in social media is through popularity, not influence.

3. It’s important to measure sentiment/tone when attempting to improve brand reputation.

Metrics Match

4. For each of the metrics below, identify if they can be used to measure traditional media, social media or both.

i. Circulation

ii. Unique visitors per month

iii. Pass-along rate

iv. Citations on social news-sharing sites (like Reddit and StumbleUpon)

v. Followers

vi. Comments

Multiple Choice

5. The first step to media measurement is:

a. Pulling together all hits into a single file.

b. Tying your campaigns/initiatives to business objectives.

c. Setting up saved Twitter searches for mentions.

6. Which factors are important when measuring success on Twitter?

a. Popularity

b. Authority

c. Participation

d. Trust level

e. All of the above

7. When it comes to establishing benchmarks for success, the best approach is to:

a. Set goals that sound impressive enough to justify your budget.

b. Base your goals on the performance of other content in the same topic space.

c. Don’t set goals; see how things play out.

8. Measurement gurus tout the importance of measuring KPIs. KPI stands for:

a. Kittens, Puppies & Iguanas

b. Key Popularity Indicators

c. Known Performance Influencers

d. Key Performance Indicators

e. Klout, Popularity & Influence

9. The best approach to measuring online content is:

a. Focus on impression-oriented metrics like unique visitors and page views.

b. Focus on engagement metrics like comments and Facebook Likes.

c. Focus on influence rating and ranking systems from research firms and software products.

d. Include all of these in a measurement approach based on business objectives.


1. False: Most search engines can provide you with inbound links.

2. False. There is a variety of social metrics that you can use to measure influence level.

3. True.

4. i. Traditional Media, ii. Both, iii. Traditional Media, iv. Both, v. Social Media, vi. Both

5. b. Tying your campaigns/initiatives to business objectives.

6. e. All of the above. Number of followers alone will not offer insight into influence or trust—key social media metrics.

7. b. Base your goals on the performance of other content in the same topic space.

8. d. Key Performance Indicators.

9. d. Include all of these in a measurement approach based on business objectives.

Send your Pop Quiz ideas to: Scott Van Camp at [email protected]