Personal Faves

Did you actually think that we PR NEWS editors could resist the temptation to comment on the selection of holiday goodies that graced our very own mailboxes? Our verdicts:

Tres classy: Floral notecards from Elegant Bride and unisex gift-wrap assortment from Real Simple. Nice, useful and dead-on in the branding category.

Most predictable: "2001: An Agency Odyssey" card from Spring O'Brien. (And why is it a selling point to imply that each of your staffers is on a different planet?)

Best use of budget: Hunter PR, which made a donation on our behalf to Project Domicile, a program that assists homeless families in finding permanent housing. Sniff.

Most creative: "It's a Wonderful Job" promo from Slack Barshinger & Partners, replete with retro b&w photography. The card offers a glimpse of what life would be like for the agency in
the absence of its clients. (Caption adjacent to photo of a Sputnik-aged goofball in space suit with fazer gun reads: "Without legitimate work to keep them busy, our Web developers would foolishly use
their free time to plot the destructive 'El Dorko' virus.")