Online Movers And Shakers

Sure there might be more than 109 million Internet users, but you only really have to worry about 9 million of them, according to a study from Burson-Marsteller and Roper
Starch Worldwide. It might not get you quite to one-on-one communications, but it boosts the odds. The 9 million e-fluentials have the potential to influence another 72 million
Americans because with the help of the Internet, one e-fluential reaches out to at least eight others, the study reports. E-fluentials are broken down into: Marketing Multipliers;
Influentials, Avid Communicators, Information Sponges; Technology Savvy and New Product Innovators. To find out if you're an e-fluential and figure out how to reach them, go to (David Schemelia, Burson-Marsteller, 212/614-4353)