Men Embrace Digital Media More Than Women

Looks like there's a bit of a gender divide developing between the sexes when it comes to media consumption and how it influences their purchasing decisions.

According to a study by TargetCast,men are generally more willing than women to adapt their usage habits to incorporate more digital and online platforms as replacements for traditional media. For example, men are more likely than women to indicate the Internet has replaced their need to read printed newspapers and magazines. On average, men are also more likely than women to be willing to pay for an online subscription that allows them to watch TV programs on the Internet with limited advertising. 

But the study also points to a glimmer of hope for traditional mass media. While 60% of consumers say newspapers need to change the most to stay relevant, most are nevertheless sticking with the media they’ve known for years. Adults aged 35 and over still consider newspaper advertising to be more influential in determining their purchase decisions. More than 40% of adults aged 18-64 say they prefer the experience of reading a printed newspaper versus online sources, and just 15% of all respondents say they would rather read magazines online. In fact, among those aged 45 and over, a solid 57% prefer the experience of reading a printed magazine over reading a magazine online.