Media Insight: MSNBC

1 MSNBC Plaza

Secaucus, N.J. 07094; Phone: 201/583-5000

Editor's Note: On cable, MSNBC is one of the newest innovative concepts going because of the way these entrepreneurs have been able to mix TV and the Internet. What consumers see on TV is meant to entice them to check out MSNBC's Web site:, and vice versa.

Section "The Site" with host Soledad O'Brien

This program, which airs three times a day and then is repackaged for the weekend, focuses on today's cyber culture. But "The Site" also keeps its nose on the news. Last week, it was hooked on chasing down the Mike Tyson story and getting a soundbyte about Gil Amelio leaving Apple.
Contacts Content Manager: Shauna Sampson

Fax: 415/437-5878 E-mail: shauna*[email protected]

Address: Ziff-Davis, 535 York St., San Francisco, Calif. 94110
Days To Contact/

Days To Avoid
Sampson wants pitches to arrive in the morning. Because the show covers hard and late-breaking news as well as lighter stories, producers are waiting to hop on controversial happenings and attention-grabbing headlines so there are no light or heavy days.
Methods Because of the amount of e-mail show producers and staffers receive, Ziff-Davis (which produces the program for MSNBC) hired Sampson in May to be the one main person responsible for sifting through the more than 100 pitches coming in every day, and to identify what "The Site" should cover.
Comments It took us three days to get someone from Ziff-Davis on the phone after placing calls to several Site staffers. So a short e-mail pitch with a lot of punch and some "TV friendliness" is the avenue you should take. If you wait to make a pitch over the phone, you're like to be a sitting duck for a critique of your PR tactics. Also, after you send your pitch, don't sit by your phone anticipating a call. If you've enticed them, you'll know soon enough.
Sections Internet Coverage: Mary Kathleen Flynn

This program is consumer-oriented and relies on the mix of covering news and then counting on the Internet and technology to complement the coverage. What's featured is all over the place: it might be about how to protect your kids online or how technology helps the "home user" in his/her life.
Contacts Internet Correspondent: Mary Kathleen Flynn

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 1 MSNBC Plaza, Secaucus, N.J. 07094
Days To Contact/

Days To Avoid
Staffers said there are "no good days" since putting together stories for the program is a round-the-clock process.
Methods If its e-mail ever crashed, we're not sure what this show crew would do since that's their lifeline to the world. They want e-mails only and do not welcome phone calls. They're also not too hip on snail mail.
Comments Flynn and her producer Warren Lewis run a tight ship and are among three staffers (the other is Head Researcher Patricia Peart) who handle the dozens of e-mail pitches received each day. Their advice: "Be brief, be concise and wrap it up in the first paragraph." Also, if you call these staffers, you're sure to burn, not build, bridges. Flynn said she reads every e-mail message that comes her way so don't think yours will get lost in the shuffle.

Editorial Contacts at MSNBC

Production Contacts for "The Site" with Soledad O'Brien

T.V. Executive Producer - Kathy Moore

kathy*[email protected]

Senior Broadcast Producer - Stephanie Abrams

stephanie*[email protected]

Senior Broadcast Producer - Donna Wright Sommerville

donna*[email protected]

Senior Producer, Intermedia - Ben Bayol

ben*[email protected]

Senior Program Producer - Leo Laporte

leo*[email protected]

Creative Director - Nancy Juliber

nancy*[email protected]

Production Director - Katie Walsh Harless

katie*[email protected]

Content Manager - Shauna Sampson

shauna*[email protected]

Studio Producer - Christine Kim

christine*[email protected]

Studio Producer - Lynn Margherita

lynn*[email protected]

Special Correspondent - Craig Miller

craig*[email protected]

News Producer - Matt Beer

matt*[email protected]

Associate Producer - Jennifer Rogers

jennifer*[email protected]

Associate Producer - Natalia Torres

natalia*[email protected]

Production Contacts for MSNBC Segments with Mary Kathleen Flynn

Internet Correspondent - Mary Kathleen Flynn

[email protected]

Producer - Warren Lewis

[email protected]

Head Researcher - Patricia Peart

[email protected]

Researcher - Noreen Figueroa

[email protected]

Interactive Producer - Gabrielle Middaugh

[email protected]

Interactive Production Assistant - Justin Adams

[email protected]

MSNBC Production Staff

Executive Director of MSNBC - Mark Harrington

[email protected]

Executive Producer - Bob Epstein

[email protected]

Senior Broadcast Producer - Steve Copus

[email protected]

Producer - Chris Hampson

[email protected]

Producer - Cathy Stevens