Media Insight: Hospitals & Health Networks

American Hospital Publishing, Inc.,

737 N. Michigan Ave.,

Chicago, IL 60611

Editor's note: As a top trade magazine reaching roughly 102,000 of your healthcare peers, Hospitals & Health Networks editors look to report on the industry's common ground by asking the questions that get behind key industry-shaping trends. "Why are HMOs having such a tough year?" "What is the post-cultural impact of sweeping mergers and acquisitions?" and "How will health systems survive all of the funding and reimbursement changes?" are currently some of the hot editorial issues on their plate, according to Kevin Lumsdon, the magazine's managing editor.

Overall, the editors are accessible but are peaved by too many follow-up phone calls asking, "Did you receive my press release?" and "Did the story run?" which is a ghastly acknowledgement that PR pros haven't read the magazine.

Features - Lumsdon oversees all copy flow of H&H's news departments and features that include: the cover story, 2 features (on average) "Currents," "Q&A," "News Extra," "Business Watch" and "News at Deadline." Managing Editor Kevin Lumsdon Phone: 312/440-6853; Fax: 312/944-4232

There is no bad day or time to contact H&H's editors.

Lumsdon prefers faxes to anything else, especially where breaking news is concerned. Phone follow-ups are okay but only if the press release has been sent and the news hook has a sense of immediacy. Keep in mind that this bi-weekly comes out the 5th and 20th of each month, so deadlines for features are about a month before and hard news stories close a week to a few days before going to print. Although Lumsdon oversees all of the editorial departments, his focus is on the cover story and the two to three features that drive the magazine's 80 pages. At the moment his editorial hot buttons are:

the ongoing government fraud investigations; practical how-to advice on how providers can achieve managed care cost-cutting measures; big picture consolidation implications for providers; finding execs for Q&A section who are significantly impacting the industry from all sectors, including provider-side, policy, HMOs, etc. His final words of advice: Look at the kinds of stories that run in the magazine and tailor your pitches to those interests, keeping them as concise as possible.

News Departments - Godar oversees the hard news section of the magazine that include: "Currents," "Inside Track," "Business Watch" and "News at Deadline Senior Editor Kate Godar Phone: 312/440-6822 Fax: 312/944-4231

There is no bad day or time to contact H&H's editors.

Godar prefers faxes to any other pitch correspondence. Her deadlines range from 18-20 days before the magazine closes for "Currents" and "Inside Track" to 2-3 days prior to closing for "News at Deadline." Godar oversees the shorter, bite-size reads that run the gamut of being quick two-sentence briefs to mini-case studies and trends analysis. She's looking for: health system success stories; unique takes on policy issues; interesting twists on medical service delivery; finance/management advice, surveys and trends that give a heads up on executive strategy; and heads up info on technology trends. What really grates her nerves? PR people who drop the ball and don't deliver on information and resources they've promised.

Other Editorial Contacts at Hospitals & Health Networks: 312/440-6800

Editor: Mary A Grayson

Executive Editor: Alden Solovy

Senior Writers: Michele Bitoun Bletcher; Terese Hudson; Harris Meyer

Staff Writers: Jan Greene; Chris Serb

Internet Editor: Janet Kalbhen, [email protected]