Media Insight: Baltimore Sun

P.O. Box 1377

Baltimore, MD 21278-0999

Remember that the Baltimore Sun, owed by Times Mirror is a regional paper, not a national paper when calling the editors with story ideas. However, that does not mean your client or company must be in the Baltimore area. If you can find some way to tie the idea into the story angle city of Baltimore, you'll make the grade. Editors love national stories with a local twist, and new national trends are always of interest. (Circulation: weekday, 327,00; Sunday, 473,600)


This is the strongest section of the paper says Administrative Editor Ed Hewitt. Aside from the normal daily business sections, the Sun has a special Monday, "Plugged In," section covering personal computers and on Sundays is a section devoted to real estate.

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: Editor, Gerald Merell, Fax: 410/783-2517, Phone: 410/332-6892

Lead Time: at least one week; for breaking news, ASAP

METHODS: Not all Sun editors have email access and most have to go to another office to use the Internet, so faxing is better. Don't overload the machine, however - pick your important faxes and then follow up with a phone call.

COMMENTS: You'll form solid relationships with these editors if you or your client are a good source for stories. The Sun's business editors are looking for more diverse sources, especially women.

Similar to other daily papers, pitching to the Sun is done by beats, so be familiar with the reporters. Since these beats change frequently, Hewitt says call the main number and ask for a current list.


Sections include home and family, food, gardening, movies, TV and art. The travel section is published every Sunday with feature stories on holiday hot spots, weekend getaways and overseas travel. "Live," an entertainment guide, publishes Thursday.

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: Editor, Kim Marcum, Fax:410/783-2519, Phone: 410/332-6106

Lead Time: two weeks

METHODS: Reach theses reporters between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The features sections gets hopping around mid-afternoon and reporters will be less apt to take calls.

Reporters want a quick phone call and then a fax to follow up.

COMMENTS: If you want to get ideas into the Sun's holiday calendar listings or feature stories in the Thursday's "Live," send or fax ideas by Nov. 19.

The Sun wants diverse pictures for the features section (and all sections) included in press kits. But don't send them "middle-aged white guys in front of the company's logo," Hewitt said. Think multi-culturism.

Editorial Contacts at the Baltimore Sun

Main Number: 410/332-6000

Jack Gibbons

AME, Features

Rosemary Armao

Anne Arundel County

Mark Guidera

Bio/Tech reporter

Suzanne Wooton

Baltimore County

Sheila McCauley

Carroll County

Kevin McQuaid

Real Estate reporter

John Fairhall

Howard County

June Arney

Banking reporter

Bill Salganik

Health Care reporter


Recent Stories, Nov. 3, 1998

"Baltimore's Own," by M. Dion Thompson. A feature story about the neighborhood that "nurtured legendary Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall," but could now use someone like him again.

"Military Recruiters Losing war at home," by Tom Bowman. A story about how poor education and drugs are increasingly eroding the applicant pool as the Navy and Army struggle to meet recruiting goals.