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You'll have to go through the PR department before contacting any editors at FamilyPC. That's the bad news. Once you've overcome this insideous bureaucracy, which is common among the New York magazines, you can speak with the talented and helpful editors at this monthly. It's written for families who want to learn more about using the Web and their PCs. We spoke with Editor Gail Shaffer, who is your best resource for learning the tricks of the trade when it comes to pitching Family PC. Also check out the Web site,, for more help. (median age, 45; median HHI, $70,192; 55% male)


This section offers product reviews of hardware, software and PCs. Managing Editor Kim Schueler says the reviews section is changing a bit and will not cover as many hardware products in the coming months.

EDITORS/ LEAD TIME: Senior Editor John Godfrey e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 212/503-4358

Lead Time: three to four months

METHODS: The fax is outdated in this newsroom. Phone or e-mail is best for all editors.

Since FamilyPC is a monthly, the more lead time you give Godfrey, the better.

COMMENTS: The editors on staff are in charge of thissection but use outside sources for product reviews. Editor Gail Shaffer says a group of "Family Testers" and a pool of freelance experts have the reviewing task. About 9,000 families are engaged in the Family Testers program and evaluate all pitched software or hardware.

Shaffer also says Family PC will be reviewing Web sites.


Some product reviews are intertwined into the editorial of the feature articles, but the products will not be highlighted individually, only generally.

EDITORS/LEAD TIME: Senior Editor Andrea Linne e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 212/503-4356

Lead Time: three to four months

METHODS: Again, e-mail

COMMENTS: Shaffer says although individual editors have their own preference of how to be contacted, e-mail is most immediate. Make the subject line clear and newsworthy, she says, and don't use marketing plugs.

"Just give us the straight scoop," says Shaffer.

Editorial Contacts at Family PC

Main Number: 212/503-4300

Ellen Ullman

Assistant Editor


Bob Strauss

Senior Writer


Lauren Simonds

Associate Editor, Reviews


Emily Friedlander



Recent Stories (In the April 1999 issue)

"Family Ties: Rituals in the Computer Age" by Meg Cox. on how family computers are enhancing family rituals.

"Help Around the Clock" by Sharon Goldman Edry, a feature about the top 20 parenting challenges and how the Web can help.