Measure Your Voice Quotient

Does your voice command respect and authority? If not, a new book, How To Say It With Your Voice, provides helpful pointers on how to turn your voice into a more effective business communication tool. The voice traits that Americans find most annoying are whining, complaining or nagging tones; high-pitched, squeaky voices; loud and grating voices; mumblers; fast talkers; monotonous tones and thick accents, according to the book's author and voice expert Jeffrey Jacobi.

Jacobi developed a voice assessment tool to make people more aware of their voice habits and to identify strengths and weaknesses. The assessment measures four key competencies - confidence, control, persuasiveness and polish.

Here are a few tell-tale signs that your voice needs a tune-up:

  • If you find that others constantly interrupt you or talk over you.
  • If it's hard for you to sound calm and positive in stressful situations.

(Jacobi Voice Development, Gary Stone, 212/787-6721)