Investing in Wellness Programs: Measurement Is Lacking

A new global report by Buck Consultants finds that employers spent 35% more than in 2009—about $220—on each employee who participated in a wellness program. But despite spending more on wellness programs in 2010, only 37% of U.S. employers actually measure their program’s effectiveness. Other key findings include:

• Globally, 66% of respondents have a formal wellness strategy, up from 49% in 2007.

• Wellness programs are most prevalent in North America, where 74% of responding employers offer them.

• Eleven percent of U.S. respondents spend more than $500 per employee per year on wellness rewards, with the largest rewards reported at $3,000 per employee.

• The fastest-growing components of wellness programs are technology-driven tools. In three years, employers around the world expect a six-fold increase in their use of mobile technology—like smartphones—to support employee wellness initiatives.

Source: Buck Consultants

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