Five Components of Increasing Online Visibility

1. Research: Know how people search online and how they talk online and work to ensure that programs (both reputational search and social search) use the right discoverable language.

2. Teamwork: Although reputational and social search programs can be managed by PR professionals on their own, it’s important to do so in the context of the overall search engine visibility mix. Therefore, it’s key to work with others in your organization who are executing other search marketing programs.

3. Planning: Reputational and social search programs take time and effort to develop quality content and networked relationships. With ample planning, companies can guide the success of these programs while minimizing risk.

4. Experimentation: While SEM and SEO typically are managed by others, there’s no reason why they couldn’t be used in a public relations context. Paid search, for example, is the fastest way to build awareness in a crisis situation where there’s no time to lose.

5. Benevolence: Google knows if you’ve been bad or good. The more you create value online and others recognize you for doing so, the more you will be able to build a sustainable and visible online presence for both your “hub” and your “spokes.”

Source: Steve Rubel, “Search Engine Visibility,” released by Edelman in May 2009