PR News Publication
PR News is published weekly, except for July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Each PR News issue features trends, developments, tactics, tips and strategies that help communicators and marketers do their jobs better. Readers also benefit from checklists, expert advice on work-life balance as well as tactical do's and don'ts for measurement, media relations, crisis management, social media and more.
PR News Subscribers also get exclusive access to these special reports:
- Salary Survey
- PR's Guide to SEO
- Measurement Guide to Dashboards and Essential Principles
- Social Media
- Step by Step Guide to Handling PR Crises
If you have a story idea or suggestion, case study, news or information relevant to PR, communications or marketing that you would like to share, please contact Seth Arenstein, Editor of PR News, at: [email protected].
PR News also publishes numerous guidebooks containing case studies, tip sheets and more on how to improve communications initiatives featuring content from corporation, agency and nonprofit thought leaders.
Upcoming Guidebook Topics:
- Influencer Marketing
- Measurement
- Media Training
- Writer's Guidebook
- Employee Relations
To contribute an article to any of the guidebook topics above, contact Ian Wright, guidebook editor: [email protected].
Events and Awards
PR News hosts conferences and boot camps and is always on the lookout for speakers, panelists, trainers and sponsors.
Upcoming Events:
- The Digital Communications and Marketing Show, Miami, FL
- Measurement Boot Camp, New York City, NY
- PR News Boot Camp, Washington, D.C.
- Media Relations Conference, Washington, D.C.
- The Social Shake-Up, Atlanta, GA
In addition to hosting events, PR News also recognizes the best in the field through many awards program and offers individuals and businesses the opportunity to sponsor, speak at the ceremonies, and feature advertisements in the awards program guides.
Upcoming Awards:
- Platinum PR Awards
- Agency Elite Awards
- Top Places to Work in PR
- Digital PR Awards
- Rising PR Stars Awards
- Top Women in PR Awards
- PR People Awards
- CSR Awards
- Nonprofit PR Awards
- Social Media Awards
If you would like to participate in any of our many events or awards programs, please contact Steve Goldstein, editorial director, [email protected].
To sponsor an event or award or to discuss featuring your business in an program, contact Rich Hauptner at [email protected] or 203-899-8460.