Charting The Industry: CR and Sustainability: What Matters Most

In an effort to take stock of the market and assess current corporate responsibility trends, Edelman, in conjunction with Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, Net

Impact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, recently released a comprehensive report that compiled research and statistics on a number of communications-

related topics, including investor relations, media relations and issues management.

Analysis of the findings helped establish a number of market trends and best practices as it relates to CR communications. One snapshot of the findings offers insight into the

importance of ethics and corporate citizenship as it relates to employee relations (see below). Among the findings:

  • 60% of respondents would be very likely to leave their current employer for a more socially responsible one if compensation/benefits were equal; and,

  • When considering working for a company, the belief that "your job will make a positive difference in society" ranked No. 1 among respondents, above the opportunity for

    career advancement and the reputation of the organization.

With this knowledge, PR professionals must hone their organizations' communications of all CR efforts in ways that are meaningful and transparent; otherwise, evidence suggests

that top talent won't seek employment opportunities with their companies.

Look for more research and insights offered by the report in upcoming issues

of PR News and on


Source: "Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability," Edelman,

BCCCC, Net Impact, WBCSD