

5 Tips for Using Twitter’s ‘Safe’ Clients

August 29th, 2012 by

Twitter is working to deliver a "consistent experience" and has stopped displaying third-party client names in tweets. Here’s how to best use two Twitter clients that are safe bets moving forward.

Make a Day Out of It: Create Your Own Campaign Milestones

August 29th, 2012 by

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky and Carmichael Lynch Spong created National Jerky Day to celebrate the Jack Link’s brand—here’s how you can launch a similar event for your own brand.

Make a Day Out of It: Create Your Own Campaign Milestones

August 29th, 2012 by

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky and Carmichael Lynch Spong created National Jerky Day to celebrate the Jack Link’s brand—here’s how you can launch a similar event for your own brand.

Building a Stronger Online Presence Through PR Efforts

August 28th, 2012 by

WebiMax founder Kenneth Wisnefski reveals how recent changes in Google’s algorithms have made public relations an even more important component of digital marketing.

54% of Communicators Spend More Time on Twitter Than Other Platforms

August 28th, 2012 by

54% of respondents to a PR News/PR Newswire survey admit to spending more time on Twitter compared to other social networks, but 71% feel they know the makeup of their organization’s Twitter followers.

Building a Stronger Online Presence Through PR Efforts

August 28th, 2012 by

WebiMax founder Kenneth Wisnefski reveals how recent changes in Google’s algorithms have made public relations an even more important component of digital marketing.

11 Tips to Connect with Trusted Traditional Media on Twitter

August 27th, 2012 by

While the voting public turns to traditional media as trust-worthy news sources, journalists at those outlets are using Twitter and social media for story ideas, so PR pros should too.

11 Tips to Connect with Trusted Traditional Media on Twitter

August 27th, 2012 by

While the voting public turns to traditional media as trust-worthy news sources, journalists at those outlets are using Twitter and social media for story ideas, so PR pros should too.

Tip Sheet: The Mobile Mix—PR Outreach Anytime, Anywhere

August 27th, 2012 by

In developing any PR program, it’s important to consider that your audience spends a great amount of time on a laptop, smart phone or tablet.

Facebook’s $tock May Have Dipped, But Not Social Media’s Value to PR

August 27th, 2012 by

From a business point of view, it’s been a rough time for some prominent social media companies—but don’t let that stop you from utilizing the platform as a PR tool.