

New Twitter Dashboard Designed to Measure and Enhance Engagement

July 14th, 2014 by

Twitter on Friday rolled out a new dashboard to measure how your organic tweets are doing. For the first time, companies will be able to see how many times users have viewed and engaged with organic tweets so the analytics can better inform their content marketing strategy.
Twitter on Friday rolled out a new dashboard to measure how your organic tweets are doing. For the first time, companies will be able to see how many times users have viewed and engaged with organic tweets so the analytics can better inform their content marketing strategy.

Download Big Data Applications for PR Purposes

July 14th, 2014 by

Many early adopters realize that data itself is not particularly valuable without the expertise required to interpret the information, and to identify and select from a variety of scenarios to achieve the optimal outcome.

Case Study: New Sustainability Report Helps Company Turn the Page

July 14th, 2014 by

Working with PR agency Strategy XXI Partners, Arizona Chemical developed content in order to make its sustainability report more accessible, shaping the reporting process into editorial nuggets that could be easily conveyed.

As Communications Models Evolve, PR Takes Bigger Role

July 14th, 2014 by

Brand Management at P&G now covers four functions, including communications (the term “public relations” no longer exists at the company). It’s not a sure thing but as goes Procter & Gamble so go many other companies, particularly in consumer markets.

Clear Communication

July 14th, 2014 by

Perception of management is usually predicated on C-level executives being able to articulate a compelling vision for their brand or organization. And on PR pros delivering that message.

Build Your Media List the Right Way

July 14th, 2014 by

The key is to use technology as a research and organizational tool, not the end-all, be-all solution. These proven strategies will help PR people strengthen their media efforts by relying a little less on technological shortcuts and a little more on targeted research.

How Write for Myriad Media Platforms

July 14th, 2014 by

In PR, it’s not the writing that seems to matter. It’s the tagging and linking that triggers shares, followers, retweets, etc. Soon, journalism schools will dedicate entire classes on writing hashtags.

Live Your Brand the Way Your Customers Do, Says Brian Solis

July 11th, 2014 by

Social Media 20/20 Summit keynote speaker Brian Solis says that PR pros and marketers need to become “experience architects” and not be bound by their previous roles.

Why Did George Clooney Engage the Daily Mail?

July 11th, 2014 by

Clooney’s public lambasting of a news source that many already regard as untrustworthy is surprising. But his decision to take action and set the facts straight provides an example of how the target of a negative story can fight back against irresponsible journalism—and win.

5 Tips for Introducing Ethics Into Company Culture

July 10th, 2014 by

Companies can avoid ethical lapses in judgment by creating a listening culture that takes their audiences into account.