In recent years, ad networks have become used more frequently as platforms for delivering effecting marketing campaigns. Not only can they generate more impressions within a constricted timeframe but the ad networks offer a repetition… Continued
10 Search Rules
October 17th, 2007 by Iris DorbianIn the world of online marketing, search has become a critical strategic instrument. Widely used by untold numbers every day, search’s increasing importance in marketing campaigns cannot be overestimated. The following article outlines 10 rules… Continued
Digital PR: The Advertising vs. PR Model
October 10th, 2007 by PRNEWSEver wonder what the differences are when advertising and public relations are competing against each other? Oral tradition has it that media placement through public relations is anywhere from slightly to greatly more effective compared… Continued
Building Sustainable Brands: Do Third-Party Certifications Strengthen Your Story?
September 17th, 2007 by PRNEWSSustainability has, thus far, proved to be more than a fleeting trend.
The Digital Image: Adding Online Comms to Rebranding Efforts
September 10th, 2007 by PRNEWSHow did Visa – one of the best-known brands in the world – pull its rebranding off with such grace?
How To…Identify and Engage Online Influencers
August 27th, 2007 by PRNEWSWhile the term Web 2.0 was first introduced to our lexicon in 2003, certain parts of the anatomy of the perceived "second-generation" of the Web have been around for 10 to 15 years (or more).… Continued
Tip Sheet: Crafting Your Message in the Digital Media World
August 14th, 2007 by Lana ZeksterPR professionals are wise to think a bit differently about how to craft messages before sending them into the digital media, including the blogosphere, RSS feeds, chats and online social networks. Why?
The Ultimate How-To Guide: Search Engine Marketing
August 6th, 2007 by PRNEWSWeb 2.0 – that is, the collective name of the services that let people collaborate and share information online – has given birth to an ornery, brilliant, sometimes-deceitful offspring: PR 2.0.
Proving Your Worth: What Does Success Look Like?
August 3rd, 2007 by Lana ZeksterExcerpt from Just-Published Guide to PR Measurement It’s the bane of any public relations professional’s existence. How do you make clients and superiors – or the decision makers who hold the purse strings – understand… Continued
Brand Aids: How To Launch Your Brand Into Cyberspace
July 30th, 2007 by PRNEWSThe ubiquity of today’s strongest and most reputable brands – among them Lego, IKEA and Barilla, according to the 2007 list of Forbes Most Reputable Companies – is in large part due to stalwart communications… Continued