

Driving Business Goals with Successful Media Measurement

September 29th, 2009 by

How the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta ended up inaugurating a effective media metrics program on limited funds.

Desk-Sides: Antidote to Shrinking Newsrooms

September 24th, 2009 by

In an era of shrinking newsrooms and disappearing travel budgets, we all are having a hard time finding editors and reporters with the time and resources to hop on a plane to pursue a story… Continued

Writing for the Web: Adapting Online Content to Improve Visibility

September 21st, 2009 by

Content is king, as the not-so-old adage goes. If that’s true (and let’s assume it is), then search engines are the higher beings to which these kings’ power is ascribed. It’s an apt metaphor when you consider that search engines determine which online content is seen by audiences, and which content is resigned to languish on the second page of search results.

Traditional News Outlets Not Dead Yet

September 21st, 2009 by

Forget the hype! Traditional news is still alive and well as a source of news, despite the digital onslaught.

Proving Communications’ Worth

September 21st, 2009 by

For communications executives, it seems there could never be enough how-to articles, best-practices lists or strategic roadmaps about ways in which they can prove their worth to senior management (and clients, for that matter), and… Continued

Sports and Social Media: How to Engage Fans Off the Field

September 21st, 2009 by

The explosion of social media can be a boon to sports public relations.  After all, the role of a sports PR professional is to feed the public’s hunger for news and player information, and tools… Continued

Moving Sustainability Forward

September 21st, 2009 by

Forget the economy–companies nationwide are increasing their CSR efforts across the board, according to a new study.

Green Building Employees More Productive Than Non-Green Counterparts

September 15th, 2009 by

An provocative new study buttresses claims that green is better.

Measuring Up: The PR Measurement Survey

September 15th, 2009 by

Measuring the results of your PR efforts has become paramount. As a service to the PR industry, PR News, in partnership with Cision (, is seeking your feedback on trends in measurement. Please take a few minutes to share with us how you are measuring your communications initiatives.

PR’s Role in Organizational Management

September 15th, 2009 by

Take PR News and BurrellesLuce’s organizational management survey.