

Creating High-Value Press Releases for Your Target Audience

November 22nd, 2010 by

Emerging low-cost methods for press release and news distribution now make it possible to highlight your organization as never before. Press releases are quick, and often easy, to produce and disseminate. That’s part of their… Continued

How to Prepare Execs for Presentations, Speeches

November 22nd, 2010 by

Preparing for an executive’s speech can be just as nerve-racking for the communicator as it can be for the speaker.

Navigate Dangerous Crisis Roads With Opinion Research

November 22nd, 2010 by

Think of a crisis as a trip—with proper information, planning and execution, the damage to one’s reputation is minimized. A well-executed plan will keep you on track and minimize the possibility of dangers along the way.

Avoid the Firehose When Engaging Online

November 15th, 2010 by

A study finds that new media users follow fewer than five brands online, which makes it critical that brand communicators effectively get their messages across.

Calling Out Reporters a Tightrope Act Thanks to the 24/7 News Cycle

November 15th, 2010 by

While it’s important to make sure that quotes are correct and facts are straight in a story, there are times to call attention to mistakes and times to back off.

Keep Press and Analysts Engaged in Internet-Driven Media Cycles

November 12th, 2010 by

A recent survey of journalists and analysts on their use of social media channels Facebook and LinkedIn, and news aggregation options Twitter and Delicious, shows that they are a lot like us in their social networking usage.

Twitter Watch: Followers of Best Workplaces

November 12th, 2010 by

PR News looks at the Twitter following of companies included in Fortune‘s 2010 best workplaces list.

Fostering Internal Trust: Deploying Your Intranet in a Crisis

November 8th, 2010 by

In case of a crisis, calming fears and disseminating factual information internally is critical. Your organization’s Intranet can be the one-stop shop for gaining employee trust.

Balancing Organizational and Personal Brands

November 8th, 2010 by

Thanks to digital communications, organizations today walk a dangerous tightrope when it comes to their own brands vs. employees’ own online personas.

Passion and Credible Information Fuel Personal PR/Branding Power

November 8th, 2010 by

Unfortunately for many PR professionals, practicing PR on a personal level has become a necessity; for others, pushing their own brands is a way to become a PR influencer.