

Always On

November 10th, 2014 by

Millennials have an insatiable appetite for social media and mobile communications. But their elders are not too far behind when it comes to where they spend their time online.

5 Tips for Communicating Your PR Measurement Story to Senior Leaders

November 5th, 2014 by

As senior leaders seek higher levels of accountability from public relations, communicators are tasked with turning PR language into business language. To help communicate what you measure, here are five requirements for analytical storytelling to C-level executives.

The PR Measurement 3-Tip Hat Trick

November 3rd, 2014 by

With myriad social channels and measurement tools now available, PR pros have to learn to be more discriminating in picking what to measure; otherwise they end up throwing good money after bad.

5 Measurement Methodologies to Analyze a PR Strategy

October 28th, 2014 by

The key to a successful PR measurement strategy is gathering data that proves the value of PR activities, shows ongoing improvement in performance and demonstrates ROI compared with true business metrics. There are a variety… Continued

Wrestling With Corporate Storytelling

October 27th, 2014 by

Developing your core message is an essential exercise. It gets everyone, internally and externally, on the same page in terms of explaining your brand’s attributes and differentiators.

How to Boost Budget for PR Measurement

October 27th, 2014 by

For years, the measurement experts, including me, have told you to spend 10 percent of your communication budget figuring out whether the other 90 percent is working. But that doesn’t really tell you how to allocate that 10 percent, nor does it cover all the scenarios.

Case Study: Real Estate Company Homes in on Paid-Earned Model

October 27th, 2014 by

For several years after its debut, Facebook was viewed by brands and organizations as a relatively cost-effective way to promote their products and services. Companies could run branded Facebook pages—without necessarily dropping a lot of coin for Facebook advertising—and watch the needle move. Case in point: Hudson & Marshall, which is one of the nation’s top real estate auction companies specializing in bank-owned foreclosure listings.

4 Tips for Successfully Measuring Your PR Campaign

October 22nd, 2014 by

Any PR pro knows that what matters most to the C-suite isn’t the amount of media coverage but the actual value it represents—or ROI. But there is no standard measurement tool or piece of software that magically calculates it.

7 Questions to Ask When Developing a PR Measurement Program

October 15th, 2014 by

The value of a PR program can really only be proven through measurement. Here are some key questions you should ask before setting out on a measurement program.

Will PR and Marketing Get Married One Day?

October 13th, 2014 by

Inevitably the question arises when you’re in a room full of communicators: how do we break down the silos between PR and Marketing? I recently moderated a panel with Andrew Bowins of Mastercard and Jay… Continued