Corporate Social Responsibility


Improve Your Brand’s Image with Corporate Giving

January 7th, 2009 by

Every corporate entity (or individually run business) should make it a priority to be socially responsible and give back to the community in which it operates. Besides being the right thing to do, corporate giving… Continued

Engaging with Activists: 10 Tips from the Trenches

January 5th, 2009 by

Just as with any relationship in the early courting stages, activist engagement is never easy at the start. Most companies just don’t know how to talk to activists. Make no mistake―activists hardly know how to… Continued

First Year of Mobile Giving Outperforms First Year of Online Giving

January 5th, 2009 by

In 1997, online donations in the United States totaled a mere $300,000. In 2007, online donations were pinpointed at $10.44 billion reflecting exponential growth in overall giving and technology, according to a Harvard University study… Continued

Not All Is Green: Mags Jumping off Eco-Friendly Bandwagon

December 30th, 2008 by

A recent issue of Mediaweek reported that magazines have started to cool toward green issues. As more and more Fortune 500 companies launch eco-friendly initiatives, this development for the magazine industry is telling. It’s also… Continued

Investors Still Seeing Green

December 30th, 2008 by

Even while citing a down economy and concerns about the Earth’s ecosystem, business owners continue to be optimistic about giving to environmental causes, according to a survey released by SunTrust Bank Private Wealth Management. Notable… Continued

Making Green by Going Green

December 22nd, 2008 by

The question of sustainable business practices’ actual contributions to bottom-line profits is oft-debated, but a new report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Cisco, HP, Qualcomm, SAS, Abbott and UTC makes a… Continued

Tip Sheet: Short & Sweet: Simplifying the CSR Report

December 22nd, 2008 by

By Sharon Linhart Developing an excellent corporate social responsibility (CSR) report may be easier than attempting to develop an excellent definition for CSR. Today, the term CSR is used synonymously with terms such as corporate… Continued

How To…Tap Cause Advocates to Boost Earnings

December 22nd, 2008 by

We are in the midst of a holiday season fraught with contradictory needs. The economy needs a boost from consumer spending, but shoppers are wary of parting with their dwindling dollars. Nonprofits have more people… Continued

Consumers More Brand Loyal to Companies that Do Good

December 17th, 2008 by

According to the second annual Edelman goodpurpose study, a majority of consumers are willing, even during an economic downturn, to change their brand loyalties to companies that do good as opposed to others. Also, the… Continued

Evolution of an Eco Experience

December 16th, 2008 by

Many of today’s environmental problems are ones that are most influenced by the behavior of everyday people. Our individual actions—mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, driving the car—produce small amounts of pollution that when added… Continued