Add the largest, ad-supported adult video streaming website (120 million visitors/day) to the list of brands helping during this difficult time. Pornhub said today it is donating 50,000 surgical masks to NY-area medical personnel.
Specifically, 15,000 masks will go to Local 2507, which represents emergency medical technicians, paramedics and fire inspectors at the NY Fire Department (FDNY). The Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA) Local 94 also will receive 15,000 masks. A total of 20,000 masks will be sent to Mount Sinai South Nassau hospital.
PRNEWS asked a Pornhub executive how the company acquired the masks. Pornhub did not reply to our question by press time.
Meanwhile, recipients were happy for Pornhub's generosity. "We thank Pornhub for its generous donation...we need to come together...and overcome this national crisis,”said Bobby Eustace, VP, UFA, Local 94.
After thanking Pornhub for its donation, Michael Greco, VP, FDNY EMS, Local 2507, said, "Any company willing to step up and help protect those on the front lines and their families with much needed supplies like surgical masks will allow our members to do their job safely and feel confident going home knowing their families are safe too.”
In addition, Pornhub is donating 50,000 Euros ($54,000) to European organizations to purchase masks.
Other Donations
Pornhub also is donating $25,000 to Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), which will help sex workers that coronavirus has touched.
Taking care of its own, adult-film stars, Pornhub will offer its actors 100 percent of their video sales, minus a 15 percent processing fee, during April. The performers should do well. Pornhub has seen sales grow significantly since the virus struck.
Pornhub is encouraging adults to stay home and practice distancing. As such, it is offering the Pornhub Premium service free globally.
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