A Jolt for the Jobless

If you're in between jobs, the holidays may not seem happy, but you can't afford to get in a funk, according to Gil Yancey, senior VP of the DC-based placement firm Lee Hecht Harrison. The biggest flood of job offers usually comes during the first quarter of the year. "The people who land jobs in January very often are those who were active in December," Yancey says. He offers these tips for maximizing the jolly season:

  • Volunteer. Charities often need help during the holidays. It will energize you and help put your own situation in perspective.
  • Get Out. If you're invited to a party, go. Staying home will feed your depression, and you may miss out on networking opportunities.
  • Set Goals. Plan to make a certain number of calls, contacts and resume pitches. Reward yourself when you meet your goals.
  • Catch Up. Take advantage of the season and call old friends and acquaintances. You never where one might lead.
  • Don't Get Tanked. Drinking too much will impair your ability to network and perform other job search tasks.
