Archive: January 2015


All ‘Signs’ Point to Brand Awareness Success for McDonald’s

January 14th, 2015 by

What is the goal of advertising and PR? To get noticed and drive profits, right? In the realm of getting noticed–otherwise referred to as brand awareness by non-civilians in communications—the McDonald’s “Signs” ad, which ran during the Golden Globes Awards and NFL playoff games this past weekend, is a resounding success. Whether or not it […]

All ‘Signs’ Point to Brand Awareness Success for McDonald’s

January 14th, 2015 by

What is the goal of advertising and PR? To get noticed and drive profits, right? In the realm of getting noticed–otherwise referred to as brand awareness by non-civilians in communications—the McDonald’s “Signs” ad, which ran during the Golden Globes Awards and NFL playoff games this past weekend, is a resounding success. Whether or not it … Continued

4 Social Media Highlights from Oregon and Ohio’s College Football National Championship

January 13th, 2015 by

The College Football Playoff National Championship game set social media off, with hashtags #NationalChampions and #OREvsOSU dominating through the night and into this morning. Celebrities and athletes from all over used social media to express their support for their favorite team. Of course, brands got involved as well.

6 Tips to Improve Your Content’s Google Search Ranking

January 13th, 2015 by

The world’s largest search engine is a gateway to millions of consumers and an opportunity for increased brand exposure, but only if your content finds favor with Google’s search algorithm.

4 Must-Have Components of Successful Cause-Related Programs

January 12th, 2015 by

Social impact programs are strategic investments that can successfully communicate what a brand stands for and help drive positive societal impact. Before you launch your next cause-related program, make sure you have these 4 critical components in place.

Daily Facebook Engagement Rises to 70 Percent of Users

January 12th, 2015 by

While some PR practitioners now complain that Facebook is an aging, increasingly pay-to-play platform, new Pew Research shows that daily engagement is on the rise.

PR Insider: The Lost Art of Reputation Management

January 12th, 2015 by

We need to get to back to the basics of reputation management because teaching principles of protecting an image should be sacred in PR.

Case Study: PR Effort Helps Bring the Soap Box Derby Up to Speed

January 12th, 2015 by

In 2009, Bob Troyer, public relations chairman for the All-American Soap Box Derby, approached AKA MEDIA INC. to help promote, publicize, broadcast and digitize the event. The agency worked closely with the Derby for the next five years, but in 2014 the Derby raced ahead to a new level.

New Magnets from Old Media

January 12th, 2015 by

A growing number of brands and organizations look to get their messages out via the social platforms owned by legacy media companies.

Taking a Stand: Communicating with Difficult CEOs By the Numbers

January 12th, 2015 by

To prove your value to big egos means having elephant skin. Owning a legitimate relationship with the boss is one thing, but picking him up by the lapels to convince him that his actions could have seriously unintended consequences is another.