Archive: February 2012


An Opportunity for Pinkberry to Do Good

February 2nd, 2012 by

Try to imagine worst-case scenarios for a corporate communications team—a company’s co-founder being arrested for beating a homeless man with a tire iron would likely rank somewhere near the top of the list. That’s the… Continued

As Google+ Grows, Early Adopters Reveal Brand-Page Best Practices

February 1st, 2012 by

The new year brings a sense of optimism to PR professionals, as budgets are set, programs are under way and that new iPad is now full of great apps. But this new year also brings… Continued

Carnival Crash Needs an Industry Response

February 1st, 2012 by

Some crises are bad news for an entire industry, not just for the unfortunate company that is directly affected by a natural disaster, accident or act of malfeasance. Such is the case with Carnival Corp.’s… Continued

Madonna is Nervous About Her Super Bowl Gig: Let’s Help Her Out!

February 1st, 2012 by

She may strike a pose like no other, but Madonna is a nervous wreck about her half-time show during Sunday’s Super Bowl. In interview after interview this past week, she’s mentioned how “nervous” she is. You might be thinking, &…