Archive: October 2011


2011 Digital PR Awards – Email Newsletter/s

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants – Feed the Pig Weekly Savings Tip Looking to change the negative financial behavior patterns of 25-34-year-olds, AICPA introduced a weekly savings tip to help improve their… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital PR Team of the Year: Corporate

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: Discovery Communications Social Media Team Established in 2009, Discovery Communications’ nine-person social media team is guided by four goals: build community among fans across platforms; drive tune-in to its TV shows; generate pages views,… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital PR Team of the Year: Agency

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: MWW Group’s Dialogue Digital Team In 2010, MWW Group launched Dialogue Digital, consolidating the agency’s digital media practice with its in-house branding agency. Led by Jared Hendler, MWW’s EVP, global director of digital and… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital PR Campaign: Less Than $100K

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: The Axis Agency – #Chevycrawls Takes South Florida by Storm To introduce a new lineup of Chevrolet cars to the South Florida region, the Axis Agency used local influencers and social media (pictured) to… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital Marketing Campaign: More Than $500K

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: MWW Group – Nikon Film Festival Social Campaign Championing D-SLR Video Nikon and MWW Group sought to combat the crowded D-SLR camera market with a campaign that merged the popularity of HD video and… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital Marketing Campaign: Less Than $100K

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: Conover Tuttle Pace – ‘Zenyatta’s Quest for Perfection’: Breeders’ Cup World Championships To create renewed interest in a major international horse-racing event, the Breeders’ Cup, Conover Tuttle Pace found the perfect narrative for the… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Digital Marketing Campaign: $100K to $300K

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: General Mills Inc. – Honey Nut Cheerios ‘America’s Favorite Cereal’ After selecting authentic lovers of Honey Nut Cheerios—something Chris Tamburino, senior account executive at Coyne PR, says was a challenge as the brand has… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Crisis Management

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: NEI and Burson-Marsteller – Digital Crisis Management for U.S. Nuclear Industry during Japan Crisis The tragic earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan on March 11, 2011, had the side effect of creating what Burson-Marsteller… Continued

2011 Digital PR Awards – Contest/Game

October 4th, 2011 by

Winner: MWW Group – Nikon Film Festival Social Campaign Championing D-SLR Video To merge the popularity of HD video and the burgeoning trend of user-generated content online, MWW Group and Nikon created an online film… Continued

AT&T Wins Digital PR Award for ‘The Last Text’ Documentary to Curb Texting While Driving

October 4th, 2011 by

The Last Text, AT&T’s 10-minute film featuring real accounts of how lives were affected by texting while driving, earned a Good Morning America exclusive and 62,000 pledges to stop the habit.