Conference Sponsor
Scott Fedonchik
Vice President, Marketing
[email protected]
- Include your company's social media profiles along with your corporate website in the contact block or boilerplate of your press releases to provide additional visibility and drive traffic.
- Integrate your social media profiles into your online newsroom so audiences can easily find all the information and content from your company in one place.
Source: Business Wire
Business Wire is the global leader in press release and multimedia distribution as well as regulatory disclosure. We distribute corporate content to news organizations, journalists, bloggers, consumers, analysts and more. Business Wire's distribution services include enhanced multimedia integration, exclusive content marketing platforms and social media engagement tools, Business Wire launches news and conversations that jumpstart action and measurable results. Call us at 888.381.9473 or email [email protected] for more information.
New Offerings:
Business Wire has partnered with NUVI to bring you real-time social media monitoring and analytics. NUVI's visual intelligence platform allows you to instantly see what people are saying about your company and brands across social media sites. Our upgraded measurement features tell you what you really want to know about how your press releases are performing. Business Wire's NewsTrak reports have also been enhanced to include detailed release views, traffic sources information, user engagement data, search referral terms and social network engagement including the addition of the Pinterest button. Read about all of our latest offerings at