Infographic: Intergalactic Map Tracks Ever-Expanding Geosocial Universe

As social media permeates public relations, the universe of social networks continues to expand. To varying degrees, communicators are integrating  Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube into nearly every campaign.

Which is why JESS3's The Geosocial Universe 3.0 infographic is so compelling. The "intergalactic" map chronicles the rise and fall of social social networks in relation to mobile outreach. From Facebook's 1.06 billion users (54% of them on mobile devices) to more obscure networks like Path (5 million users) and Snapchat (2 million), JESS3 chronicles them the entire universe. 

It also records the falling of Bright Kite, Gowalla and Loopt into the  "black hole" in 2012.

Take a look at some of the smaller networks, because they may soon become a part of your PR universe.

Here's the infographic: 

Follow Scott Van Camp: @svancamp01