Infographic: Tips for Creating the Perfect Résumé

Labor Day is a time for employees (and employers) to reflect on all the hard work done over the past 8 months before diving into Q4. It's a celebration of the contributions of American workers, observed in the most American way possible—with barbecues, visits to the beach and other last-hurrah summertime activities on what would typically be a work day.

As the sounds and smells of fall start to fill the air, many feel stirrings of change, leading inevitably to questions about the future of their careers. It's natural, after all, to seek some sort of improvement around this time of year, as we've been conditioned since childhood with the start of each school year to start anew each fall.

With that in mind, even if you're not seriously considering looking for a new job, it's probably a good time to at least add some updates your résumé. Thanks to this infographic from ZipRecruiter, you'll be on your way to a more perfect résumé:

zip recruiter perfect resume

Follow Brian Greene on Twitter: @bw_greene

One response to “Infographic: Tips for Creating the Perfect Résumé

  1. Thank you for giving me permission to leave out my interests. I very much dislike posting my varied, always changing never a dull life – interests.

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