Corporate Distrust Still High Among American Consumers

New GfK research finds that three-plus years after the financial crisis, distrust of corporations remains high among American consumers, with a majority (64%) saying it’s harder for U.S. companies to gain their trust today than it was a few years ago. Further, more than half (55%) say it will be harder for corporations to gain their trust in the future. Other findings include: 

  • Distrust is particularly high among “The Influential Americans,” a segment representing the 10% of Americans most involved in creating change in society. Three in four of influential Americans (74%) find it harder to trust companies today than they did a few years ago, and 6 in 10 (61%) agree it will be even harder to earn their trust in the future.

  • For the population in general, the top reasons for mistrust: CEOs and senior executives being overpaid (77%); corruption among corporate management (71%); and companies making up lost earnings at their customers’ expense (69%).

  • Measuring trust level by industry, among the influentials, tech companies are most trusted (70%), followed by retail/shopping stores (67%), packaged foods manufacturers (60%), personal care manufacturers (60%) and auto companies (56%). 

Source: GfK