Stories by Larissa Von Lockner


How Live Video Can Transform a Brand Into a Culture of Relatable People

May 29th, 2017 by

The recent rise in popularity of live video has many brand marketing plans in a bit of a tailspin—if you’re not leading in the space and killing it, you’re falling behind and struggling to stay relevant

How to Deploy Brand Advocates When Promotions Are Crowding Social Media

February 20th, 2017 by

[Editor’s Note: This regular feature asks communicators to spot trends and discuss their reactions to them. In this edition we hear from Larissa von Lockner, PR & social media manager, PwC.] The Trend: We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your social feeds wondering what your friends and family are up to and you just can’t escape the those targeted ads. Those shoes you found last week during your lunch break—the ones you added to your shopping bag but never bought—they’re haunting you!