4 Tips for Improving Brand Outreach on Google

Amelia Burke-Garcia
Amelia Burke-Garcia

As a communicator, you need to be creative when you write and promote your content if you want your brand to bubble up to the top of Google rankings. Fortunately, there are methods you can employ that can help you enhance your messaging and grow your audience on the search engine giant.

Amelia Burke-Garcia, director for digital strategy & research at Westat, and trainer at PR News’ Google for Communicators: Essential Tools and Tactics workshop on April 7, shares some thoughts on improving brand outreach with various Google tools.

  1. For Google AdWords campaigns, general terms (as opposed to targeted terms) can be the most effective website traffic drivers.
  2. Videos are useful for engaging audiences where they are—but not necessarily in driving traffic to other websites, so make sure that your videos are full of the information that you want your audiences to see.
  3. YouTube’s audience filtering features are not as robust as those found on Google Display and Google Search, so consider Display and Search advertising when you are trying to reach a more niche audience.
  4. Organic outreach, blogger engagement and earned media pitching are all activities that help with your campaign’s SEO, so make sure to use both earned and paid strategies in your campaigns where possible in order to capture a broader audience.

To learn more about making Google work for your content, join PR News for Google for Communicators: Essential Tools and Tactics on April 7 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Follow Amelia Burke-Garcia: @socialibriumm 

Follow Richard Brownell: @RickBrownell