4 Insider Tips for Excellent Facebook Ads

Image: mkhmarketing
Image: mkhmarketing

With constant algorithm and news feed updates, Facebook can be a tough landscape to navigate for PR pros.

Here are four insider tips to make your Facebook ads soar, courtesy of Dan Wire, social communications team lead at VMware, who spoke last week at PR News’ Next Practices PR Conference in San Francisco.

  • Paid messages can include social context about friends. People who like your page spend two times more as your customers than people who aren’t connected to you on Facebook.
  • Facebook allows you to advertise as ads or “sponsored stories.” Very soon Facebook will also allow advertising on their Graph Search feature.
  • Promote Page posts. VMware used Facebook “Promoted Posts” to promote the vCloud Suite Promo and achieved 118% more "likes" and reached 500% more people than non-promoted posts.
  • Investigate advanced options. You can toggle your bidding options between CPM and CPC.

Follow Lucia Davis: @LKCDavis.