4 Free Twitter Measurement Tools You Can Use Right Now

twitter-analytics-657x360Twitter boasts 288 million monthly active users who post an estimated 500 million tweets per day. The social network forever changed how people and brands communicate and engage. Despite its impressive usage numbers, the challenge to PR pros remains squeezing useful analytics data from the complex spider web of followers, retweets, favorites—and noise.

While communicators are wise to err on the side of caution when it comes to relying on vanity metrics, the C-suite still looks to communicators to provide plenty of data related to their Twitter efforts. Luckily, there is a vibrant ecosystem of free services tailored to measuring and reporting Twitter data.

Here are four free services that can help change the way you monitor your Twitter account and measure engagement.

  1. TweetDeck: Owned by Twitter since 2011, this in-house service will help you to more effectively search and keep track of specific hashtags or keywords for monitoring campaigns.
  2. Twitonomy: This tool allows you to track follower growth, click-throughs on links you tweeted, mentions, retweets, favorites and more.
  3. Followerwonk: Offering extensive data on your followers, Followerwonk will help you find new influencers, analyze your followers by location and bio, and compare your data with that of other Twitter users.
  4. TweetReach: By searching URLs, user handles, hashtags or keywords, TweetReach pulls together reports on the reach and exposure of relevant tweets.

For more about digital and traditional PR measurement, join PR News in Washington, D.C., for the Measurement Conference on April 20.