Archive: March 2007


Case Study: When Planning A Successful Media Launch To Promote A Law Firm, The Devil Is In The Details

March 5th, 2007 by

Company: Holland & Hart LLP Timeframe: 2006, ongoing Launching a campaign with a media event is a good time to pull out all the stops. But it’s often not as simple as finding creative, over-the-top… Continued

Quick Study: CEOs Bear Responsibility; Customer Relations Is Dysfunctional; Social Media Invades

March 5th, 2007 by

CEOs Take The Heat According to a new survey released by Weber Shandwick and KRC Research, CEOs carry the lion’s share of blame when their company’s reputation is damaged in a crisis. The study, which… Continued

How To…Manage The ‘Virtual Worker’ Phenomenon

March 5th, 2007 by

According to a recent story in BusinessWeek, the trend of major corporations employing people who work from home is ramping up in a big way. Abetted by technology and urged by managers struggling to cut… Continued

Did You Know?

March 5th, 2007 by

Seven Things You Will Learn In This Week’s Issue Of PR News 1. A recent study found that nearly 60% of blame is directly attributed to the CEO after a crisis strikes. 2. IBM saves… Continued

There’s No Faking It: The New Rules Of Integrated Communications

March 5th, 2007 by

Considering that nearly every brand benefits from an integrated communications approach, why is it so difficult for most organizations to pull this off? Why is it that breaking down internal silos is, to some PR… Continued

Managing Risk, Maximizing Results Part 1: Video Meets Social Media

March 5th, 2007 by

The 1979 one-hit wonder from the British group “The Buggles” may claim that “video killed the radio star,” but the medium’s reputation fares better in the modern communications age. Video has made huge strides in… Continued