Archive: March 2006


Lobbyists, Post-Abramoff: PR Crisis? What PR Crisis?

March 13th, 2006 by

Government lobbying often relies heavily on PR strategies to leverage influence. Yet in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandals that rocked Washington, it might appear the lobbyists themselves are in need of PR assistance.… Continued

PR Movers

March 6th, 2006 by

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Los Angeles, named Priority PR founder Jeff Pryor to the newly created post of executive vice president of corporate communications. InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific, Singapore, named Birte Sebastian as director of corporate communications… Continued

Phil & Courtney Talking PR: A Question of Quality Coverage

March 6th, 2006 by

(This week, PR News editors Phil Hall and Courtney Barnes debate the value of media outlets that reprint press releases verbatim and pretend they are original articles.) PHIL: Here’s something every PR professional will relate… Continued

PR Scorecard: Good PR / Bad PR: A High Profile Campaign Round-up

March 6th, 2006 by

What do the U.S. military, a “Golden Girl” and an Irish rock star-turned-humanitarian have in common? Relatively little, except that all were recently the focus of high profile PR campaigns. But high profile PR doesn’t… Continued

New Orleans’ PR World, Six Months After Katrina

March 6th, 2006 by

Many areas within post-Katrina New Orleans have yet to resume normalcy: Less than half of the city’s 480,000 residents have returned, many hospitals and public schools remain closed, and basic public services such as trash… Continued

Case Study: The Ogden Museum’s PR Focus Enhances New Orleans’ Economic Resurrection

March 6th, 2006 by

Company: The Ogden Museum of Southern Art Timeframe: September 2005 to present Museums and the PR surrounding special exhibitions have been the economic energy source for many cities. But in the six months since Hurricane… Continued

PR Personality Profile: High Energy PR Fuels Solar Push

March 6th, 2006 by

Don’t be surprised if you hear Drew Setter humming “Let the Sunshine In” or “Windmills of Your Mind” at his Albuquerque, NM, office. The president of Drew Setter & Associates, he scored a grand slam… Continued

The PR Sherpa: Understanding and Controlling Digital Risk

March 6th, 2006 by

QUESTION: How can PR professionals anticipate and overcome digital risk factors? ANSWER: As more and more companies venture into the world of digital marketing, many face unchartered waters that are teeming with perils and ripe… Continued

Splitting Hairs: Value, Expectations and ROI in Public Relations

March 6th, 2006 by

By Mark Weiner In the financial world, “Return On Investment” (ROI) and “Value” are terms that are commonly understood and measured, but not so in the world of public relations, where “ROI” and “Value” are… Continued

PR Pulse: Russian Faith Leaders Create a United PR Front Denouncing Gay Event

March 6th, 2006 by

Interfaith PR unity is a rare occurrence in Russia, which has a long history of animosity between its three major religions. However, the nation’s Christian, Muslim and Jewish leadership unified their PR machinery by pressuring… Continued