

Why You Should Avoid Newsjacking the Presidential Election

December 28th, 2015 by

The media needs voices to opine on the news, and the coming election is practically begging for you to put your clients into the mix. Do not do it.

Stoner Sloth: PR Failure, or Social Media Success?

December 28th, 2015 by

If you created a campaign that was this widely viewed but also this widely derided, would you be promoted or censured?

Cutting Through the Clutter with Clever, Campy Videos

December 24th, 2015 by

CommCore Consulting cuts through the clutter with campy videos about media relations and other PR topics.
It’s the same with PR pros and training videos, says Dale Weiss, SVP at CommCore Consulting. “If you’re flying Virgin America, you watch because it’s [a] clever [video],” he says, referring to the safety videos. “We used the same logic with these videos” Weiss says of the two humorous videos featured here. “You have to cut through the clutter. So we thought how can we show some of the things we teach [clients] but do it in a clever way?”

7 Tips to Create Repinnable Images for Pinterest

December 23rd, 2015 by

The brands that stand out on Pinterest are those that are dedicated to high-quality, professional photography that are created with Pinterest in mind.

Introduction to Nation Branding and Crisis Communications

December 22nd, 2015 by

Much like a corporation building up its brand, countries need to position themselves in a particular niche and then build a global PR campaign to communicate that branding.

5 PR Trends to Look for in 2016, So Sayeth the Queen

December 22nd, 2015 by

Katie Paine, Ronn Torossian and others look at PR trends for 2016.

How to Keep the PR-Media Relationship Fresh

December 21st, 2015 by

In PR, your media contacts and their news beats are your lifeline. Being up to date with those is what gets you and your client the outreach and placements you strive for and helps maintain the PR-media relationship.

Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe Blunder a Lesson for PR Pros

December 21st, 2015 by

Mistakes were made. More mistakes were made.

6 Gifts PR Pros Should Give to Themselves as the Year Winds Down

December 21st, 2015 by

Make the most of those six magical, mystical days. Allot a half-day for each, taking advantage of at least one before the calendar flips.

Instagram Topped Facebook in U.S. Brands’ Social Actions in 2015

December 21st, 2015 by

A few years back it was unthinkable that Instagram would overtake Facebook in terms of U.S. brands’ social actions.