

2016 Top Places to Work in PR: The American College of Cardiology

November 14th, 2016 by

When you join The American College of Cardiology (ACC) as a staff member, you become a part of an over 65-year tradition of innovative, collaborative and driven individuals dedicated to supporting and implementing the College’s… Continued

4 Ways to Master B2B Social Selling

November 14th, 2016 by

Statistics point to social selling as one of the most effective tools in sales and marketing. Nearly 75% of buyers consult social media before making a purchase decision, and 77% of buyers don’t talk to a salesperson until performing independent research. Here are four ways to master B2B social selling for your brand.

How Home Depot Engaged Its Workforce By Helping Vets and Communicating Strategically

November 14th, 2016 by

[Editor’s Note: In honor of Veterans Day, we present this case study that combines honoring our nation’s veterans and boosting employee engagement.] It’s undeniable: An engaged workforce can move the needle in any industry. In retail, though, markets continually fluctuate, shopping trends change, economies contract and expand, and it’s the workforce that determines whether a company succeeds and makes a positive impact on the world.

How to Build Relationships With Influencers That Endure Beyond One Communications Campaign

November 14th, 2016 by

On Nov. 1 Instagram said it was testing a feature that will allow users to buy what they see in their feeds directly from brands. The beta involves 20 brands, including J.Crew, Macy’s and Levi’s. The user clicks on a button and up pops the product’s name and price. Another click provides a more in-depth description of the product. Then there’s the ever-popular “shop now” click, which takes the user to the retailer’s website. Seems simple, right? Actually, the implications could be enormous.

Media Pitching Lessons From the Purring Engine of GM’s PR Team

November 14th, 2016 by

Recently it was a PR rep from a huge government organization. He said, “This is all great, but I don’t have any problems getting media attention. They’re calling me every day.” What a huge opportunity he is missing! Whether you’re at a big brand or a small one, it’s not solely about the volume of stories that include you. It’s whether you can place the stories you want told.

Shut Down Email and Reclaim Creativity: A Few Words With ‘Too Fast to Think’ Author Chris Lewis

November 11th, 2016 by

“When people are under so much pressure to process information, the result is an unstoppable flow of data, an overloaded mind and consequently an analytical mindset,” LEWIS founder and CEO Chris Lewis writes in his just-published book, “Too Fast to Think: How to reclaim your creativity in a hyper-connected work culture.”

Why a Podcast Could Be Your Brand’s BFF

November 11th, 2016 by

About one-fifth of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month, more than double the number in 2008. That amounts to roughly 57 million people. Nielsen plans to measure podcast listenership starting next year, a move that will give advertisers stronger evidence their spots are being heard.

Snapchat Spectacles’ Spectacular PR-Stunt Launch

November 10th, 2016 by

The vending machines, styled “Snapbots”—are distinctively bright yellow, with a smiling mouth and one big cartoonish eye, like a Minion without the blue overalls. Also, they are elusive: The Snapbots will only be in one place at a time, for one day only.

3 Scroll-Stopping Video Ads for Instagram Inspiration

November 10th, 2016 by

Want to create a powerful video ad on Instagram that will get people to stop scrolling and pay attention? First, you have to know your brand story, but then it’s important to communicate in the correct visual language. You don’t want to be salesy, you want to be relational.


3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Launching Your Influencer Relations Program

November 9th, 2016 by

When some hear the word “influencer,” they may picture a celebrity with millions of followers. But influencers don’t always need to be famous to be effective brand ambassadors—take it from Amisha Gandhi, senior director of influencer marketing at SAP. She’ll be speaking as part of PR News’ Media Relations Conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 8.