Crisis Management


How Immigration Communications is Part of Trump’s Rewritten PR Playbook

June 20th, 2018 by

Back in October 2016 John Roderick observed that candidate Donald Trump had jettisoned the word “apology” from his campaign’s PR playbook. Nominee Trump refused to apologize and instead attacked accusers. That tactic worked well enough to propel Trump to victory. Now facing growing condemnation of his immigration policy separating children from families, Trump is sticking to that tactic. It will be interesting to see if/how he communicates a revision to immigration policy.

Haters on Twitter: When to Stay Silent

June 14th, 2018 by

Twitter may have a simple interface compared to other social platforms, but there’s still an awful lot of tact that needs to go into composing a comprehensive message in 240 characters or fewer. When your brand finds itself in the throes of a crisis, that tact can salvage and enhance your brand’s reputation.

Former Trump Lawyer Takes Long View of Decline in Trust of Brands and Institutions

June 13th, 2018 by

In one of his first public appearances since retiring as special counsel to President Trump, lawyer Ty Cobb during an ethics forum in Washington, D.C., offered conventional wisdom for brand communicators mired in a crisis: respond quickly. He also urged people to dial back their hate and demonization of each other in an effort to restore a civil discourse.

The Big Rethink for Communicators Ready for Real Change

June 11th, 2018 by

You could feel the tension rising in the air, knocking out the aroma of coffee beans and herbal tea. Nancy had ordered a decaf-caf skim latte and the barista seemingly got it wrong. She stormed… Continued

How Southwest Leads With Social During Crises

June 6th, 2018 by

It’s always better to catch a potential crisis when it’s on the horizon rather than having to clean up the inevitable mess once the crisis hits. Sometimes, however, a crisis is inevitable. In those instances, says John Young, social business advisor at Southwest Airlines, having a real-time crisis strategy across departments is key.

Ambien Loses No Sleep on Roseanne; Purdue Pharma Hooked on 80s Crisis Tactics

June 5th, 2018 by

Katie Paine looks at how two crises were handled. Sanofi’s Twitter retort to Roseanne Barr’s shot at Ambien for allowing her to create insensitive tweets and Purdue Pharma’s missteps at the outset of the situation and its close-lipped handling of the OxyContin-addiction mess. In the end, every compelling narrative needs a villain, Paine writes

How Will the TBS-Samantha Bee Scenario Play Out? 2 Views From Crisis Pros

June 1st, 2018 by

The week started off with a highly politicized media scandal when Roseanne Barr tweeted a racist characterization of former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. And now, comedian Samantha Bee and her network TBS are in similarly hot water after Bee aired a few choice words about Ivanka Trump on her show, “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.”

coffee mug reading "keep calm and prepare for GDPR"

A 5-Step GDPR Crisis Plan

May 21st, 2018 by

With the GDPR looming, it’ll soon become clear which organizations have prepared for Europe’s legal framework for the collection and processing of personal data and which companies are struggling to comply by the May 25 deadline.

The regulations stipulate that data breaches must be reported to European regulators—and to customers—within 72 hours, which makes it essential for organizations to plan ahead for the inevitable data breaches that are happening with increasing frequency.

Quick Checklist for Using Live Video During a Crisis

May 21st, 2018 by

With information spreading via traditional media and social media at ever-increasing speeds, speaking out about a crisis right from the start can help you shape the story and make clear that your organization is on top of the situation. And one of the best ways to do that is with live video on your social feeds, especially if your crisis may impact public safety.

Why Brands Should Fear Using Bots to Gain Influence

May 17th, 2018 by

Late last week, U.S. Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller delivered two subpoenas to Jason Sullivan, a social media and Twitter marketer employed by former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, raising the question as to whether or not incorporating bots into your social strategy is worth the risk.