Crisis Management


Hoax-Busting: Managing Gossip and Rumors Online

September 22nd, 2008 by

We’ve all seen our share of Internet hoaxes. The random e-mail calling for a boycott of a major oil company; the forwarded message of a worried mother whose daughter was sickened by a popular food;… Continued

Surprise Attack: Executing a Crisis Simulation to Plan for the Unknown

September 8th, 2008 by

On Aug. 1, 2008, Peppercom employees learned that four senior managers were missing following a quarterly summit in Singapore, leaving only one member of the management team– co-founder and managing partner, Steve Cody–in New York… Continued

Tip Sheet: Ethics & PR: Communications With a Conscience

July 28th, 2008 by

By Frank Ovaitt Is there such a thing as public relations ethics? Shannon A. Bowen, Ph.D., of Syracuse University, poses that question in the Institute for Public Relations Essential Knowledge Project’s "Ethics and Public Relations"… Continued

How To…Manage a News Conference

July 28th, 2008 by

News conferences have come under renewed scrutiny lately; they’re the 21st century communications tool that gets no respect. With the advent of social media and other tools that enable people to "gather" and communicate remotely… Continued

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: How to Spot an Issue Before It’s a Crisis

July 28th, 2008 by

In today’s turbulent business environment, there is no shortage of crises du jour, which helps explain the evergreen quality and ubiquity of case studies, expert strategies and thought leadership pieces on the topic of crisis… Continued

Tip Sheet: What Research Can Teach Us About Crisis Communications

January 21st, 2008 by

"Most major crises start with a bad idea." That from a slide used by Gary Sheffer, executive director of Communications & Public Affairs at General Electric. But how much of what we think we know… Continued

Case Study: Measuring on Pins and Needles: Accountability Pumps Up PR Around Plastic Surgery

January 21st, 2008 by

Company: American Society of Plastic Surgeons Agency: KDPaine & Partners Timeframe: 2006–Ongoing The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the world’s largest plastic surgery specialty organization, needed to wrap its proverbial arms around the effectiveness… Continued