Judy, Whittlesey, Executive Vice President, Susan Davis International
If you look at a map of Washington, D.C., you’ll see some of the historic projects for which Judy has led the charge on representing and promoting: the WWII Memorial, the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the MLK, Jr. Memorial, the Holocaust Museum and the FDR Memorial. She’s cultivated a modest-sized team, which exhibits extraordinary capability to take on projects that are national in reach ad significance. The work is demanding, yet Judy’s own tireless work ethic inspires her team, and her measured perspective and commitment to an enjoyable work-life balance instills loyalty in her staff and an excitement to pursue the possibilities of each new day,
Judy led the promotion of the 2014 National Medal for Museum and Library Service for the federal agency, Institute of Museum and Library Services, which is one of our government’s most significant supporters of museums and libraries across the nation. She oversaw the development of a comprehensive outreach strategy, while guiding the creation of the communications materials used to promote the embargoed announcements. She also oversaw the entirety of the media relations, which earned coverage by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Associated Press, NBC News, CNN, ABC, as well as many local television and print outlets. Under her guidance, her team’s efforts led to more than 200 million media impressions from over 140 television, print and online clips.