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Since joining APCO Worldwide in 2008, John Cangany has grown into the functional lead of APCO’s global social media team. His background in environmental and energy issues serves him well in cultivating relationships with thought… Continued
Christi Day, Online Spokesperson and Emerging Media Specialist, Southwest Airlines For someone who claims to have practically stumbled into social media, Southwest Airlines’ Christi Day is a study in self-effacement—and accomplishment. Having become a preeminent… Continued
t is safe to assume that in a down economy, belts are tight in corporate America. And while corporate social responsibility (CSR) continues to grow by leaps and bounds in relevance, thanks in large part to the many corporations who have made a name for themselves by being more responsible and more sustainable (i.e., Starbucks, HP, Coca-Cola), it is often seen as something “nice to do” but certainly not a priority.
Campaign: Hillsides Foster Soles Winner: Hillsides The statistics surrounding foster care in America are staggering: More than 500,000 children are in foster care nationwide, with more than 102,000 in California alone. What’s more, 40% of… Continued
Campaign: A Dog for Obama Winner: American Kennel Club When President Obama publicly made a promise to give his daughters a dog following his election, the American Kennel Club used this opportunity as a platform… Continued