Communicators Expect 50 Percent Surge in Net Output
More than 60 percent of corporate communicators predict that within five years more than 50 percent of their output will be routed through the Internet to constituent groups. This includes corporate material and internal communications documents.
The results were based on responses by about 15 percent of 200 communicators, including those at Fortune 100s, who were questioned by Halley Enterprises, Inc., New York.
Sixty-four percent of respondents said they use the Internet today for less than 25 percent of their output, but that ratio reversed when they were asked about future expectations. (Michael Reilly, 516/669-1020)
Technology Press Spending Hours Online Every Day
Members of the press are becoming comfortable using the Internet for background and historical information in lieu of chasing down those details through phone calls.
Keep in mind that you can make everyone's life easier if you keep that kind of news archived on your Web site.
And technology journalists, who just two years ago were averaging one hour per month online, are spending two to three hours online every day, according to the findings of a survey done by Tsantes & Associates, a technology-based PR firm in Campbell, Calif. Of 60 technology journalists targeted, 46 participated.
Findings include:
- All have Web access - versus 80 percent who did two years ago;
- One in three spend 10 or more hours a week on the Web to conduct research for articles (the average was 6.2 hours per week);
- More than 60 percent scan newswires regularly;
- 48 percent monitor technology-related usenet groups; and
- 76 percent of queried media operations have the capability to download photos and graphics. (Tsantes, 408/369-1500)