Five Simples Rules for Handling the Press When in Crisis Mode

Imagine this scenario: It's 5:00 pm and you just got word that your company's CEO is embroiled in a major scandal. Details are either sketchy or, worse yet, sordid. The press is calling—naturally. What do you do? Following are five smart ways for you to do both damage control while getting the story out.

Rule Number One: Answer every press call, even if all you can say is you can't comment at the present time.

Rule Number Two: Give reporters a number where they can reach you after hours for last-minute questions.

Rule Number Three: If you want to keep your comments off the record, tell the reporter before you answer any questions.

Rule Number Four: Keep an ongoing log of whom  you spoke to and when, and what the conversation was about.

Rule Number Five: If the issue is complex, then it may behoove you to refer the reporter to an expert in your field who can further clarify or explain the situation.

Source: BusinessWeek