Internal Communication


Growing Need to Break Down Silos

September 29th, 2014 by

Breaking out of these silos is the first step toward more effectively reporting ROI. Embracing more diverse sets of data is the second.

The Costs of Sloppy Grammar Are Incalculable

September 29th, 2014 by

Having poor grammar, misspelled words, sloppy punctuation and excessive jargon and acronyms can damage your credibility—and the credibility of your communications.

Communicators’ Challenge: Fresh Ideas at Legacy Brands

September 29th, 2014 by

The yearlong process of getting Wells Fargo Stories up and running speaks to the challenges that senior communicators working for legacy brands sometimes face when they want to introduce new PR programs, particularly in the digital space.

Preparing Yourself for the Media Spotlight

September 29th, 2014 by

One of the first things that clients want to know is whether business communicators can show them how to carry themselves in front of the media and fix any glitches that may be getting in the way of delivering the message. But what happens when you turn the tables, and PR managers and directors are the ones who are being interviewed and relaying the message?

ESPN’s Suspension of Bill Simmons Raises Employee Relations Questions

September 25th, 2014 by

By goading ESPN into suspending him and having that story—not the story he told on his podcast—turn into national news, Simmons further exacerbated the NFL’s troubles and and complicated its relationship with its compliant television partner.

Recruiting the ‘Richmeister’ as Pitchman Backfires on State Farm

September 23rd, 2014 by

State Farm, which promotes immunizations awareness as a way of preventing the spread of viral diseases, probably should have been aware of Rob Schneider’s stance on vaccinations before they launched the ad campaign.

Communicating on a Separate Plane

September 22nd, 2014 by

When the dust of generalizations settles, we’re left with a world where millennials have increasing purchasing clout, and are buying all their stuff through social media. That means that, with a strategic approach to social media management, PR professionals have a great opportunity to cultivate and grow millennials as customers.

How To Get Your Message Out at Events

September 22nd, 2014 by

While so much has changed, what clients and customers want when it comes to conferences hasn’t. They want the right people to hear their message. And, ultimately, they want that message to lead to more sales for their organization.

How To Give a Presentation in 9 Words

September 15th, 2014 by

A presentation isn’t about great-looking slides, it’s about ideas that attract people. Refine your point, work out what’s important and make it matter to the other person.

Sharing Your Content Starts at Home

September 15th, 2014 by

While brand ambassadors are appealing to some companies because they appear more regulated, they simply aren’t authentic and therefore aren’t effective.