Public relations work is not done in a silo.
There are new best practices, new ideas and innovative ways to spread messages, with the landscape shifting and evolving every day. Things move so quickly that reading blogs is an essential way to keep up on the dynamic industry of public relations and communications—even the most seasoned professionals will undoubtedly learn something new.
Here are eight great blogs for communicators.
Public Relations Society of America: PRSA is the bellweather organization for the industry and its great blog, PRSay, has posts covering a range of topics, including news, training, diversity, careers and more.
Spin Sucks: Spin Sucks bills itself as the blog of “professional development for PR and marketing pros,” and it includes tips on how PR folks can do their job better. But it isn’t afraid to challenge the industry, either, and much of that comes from blog founder Gina Dietrich, CEO of Arment Dietrich, who writes many of the posts that appear on the site.
The Flack: The Flack does a terrific job of weaving the narrative of how public relations plays a role—however subtle—in almost everybody’s life. That includes politics, journalism, entertainment, marketing, sports and more. The blog is overseen and written by industry veteran Peter Himler, principal of Flatiron Communications.
Edelman Insights: One of the biggest names in the PR world, Edelman does a great job with this blog by providing insights and thought leadership from its own examples. It’s also kind of a neat look on how an international agency operates on a day-to-day basis.
PR Couture: Technically, this blog centers on the fashion and lifestyle worlds. We include it here for two reasons. One, it also blogs about careers in PR as well as the all-important new trend of influencer marketing. Two, there are some great tips and best practices in the posts that can easily translate to industries and companies outside of fashion.
The Shift Blog: How do you stay top-of-mind after you’ve launched a product? That’s just one of several compelling topics you’ll find on this blog, written by account executives and staffers at Shift Communications.
Reddit's r/PublicRelations: This is a different sort of blog, since Reddit is a user forum driven primarily by questions and answers from contributors. But r/PublicRelations is valuable nonetheless as a resource that solicits and receives opinions about the industry, with recent topics ranging from giving exclusives to certain media outlets, to career advice, to how digital marketing and analytics can complement PR efforts.
PR News: We would be remiss if we didn’t draw your attention to our own blog, with insightful stories and opinions from SVP and Group Publisher Diane Schwartz and Editor Seth Arenstein.