Professional development is important at Archer Malmo. Its regular Lunch & Learns are called Archer Malmo University (“AMU”) and cover trainings from all disciplines. Along with the Archer Malmo Universities, employees are encouraged to attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to learn best practices, hear new ideas, and network with other industry professionals.
Over the last few years, public relations department members have attended SXSW, PRSA, crisis, communications certification training, digital strategy workshops, experiential marketing conferences, and regularly participate in industry content webinars.
The agency is also keen on sharing best practices; to that end, Archer Malmo presentations have twice been selected for SXSW Interactive and its principals frequently share presentations or are on panels discussing industry trends in their respective fields.
A different kind of communication tool used at Archer Malmo is a monthly stairwell chat – a phrase coined when the agency was much smaller and conducted monthly update meetings in an open stairwell between the 5th and 6th floors of the office (they’ve since outgrown this). These agency-wide meetings serve as a collaborative time for everyone to reflect on the previous month’s work and for the CEO to update team members on both monthly and year-to-date financial performance.
Also highlighted is client work, new hires are presented, and there is recognition of employee anniversaries, and more. Community representatives are frequently invited to share about ways to give back, become involved and be healthy in the community. There are also typically libations and these times also serve as a time for team members to mingle.
Unique benefits at the agency include a kickball league, a biweekly massage day, yoga twice a week and collaborative office space, which includes open workspaces, breakout areas throughout the agency, an indoor bike garage with a branded communal bike for quick trips around downtown, and a ping pong table.