Stories by PRNEWS


Facebook’s Message to Investors: Look to the Stars

February 2nd, 2012 by

Facebook has been sending a loud and clear message to investors: Pay more attention to the value it will provide over the long term, and don’t get too caught up in how big it opens… Continued

An Opportunity for Pinkberry to Do Good

February 2nd, 2012 by

Try to imagine worst-case scenarios for a corporate communications team—a company’s co-founder being arrested for beating a homeless man with a tire iron would likely rank somewhere near the top of the list. That’s the… Continued

As Google+ Grows, Early Adopters Reveal Brand-Page Best Practices

February 1st, 2012 by

The new year brings a sense of optimism to PR professionals, as budgets are set, programs are under way and that new iPad is now full of great apps. But this new year also brings… Continued

Carnival Crash Needs an Industry Response

February 1st, 2012 by

Some crises are bad news for an entire industry, not just for the unfortunate company that is directly affected by a natural disaster, accident or act of malfeasance. Such is the case with Carnival Corp.’s… Continued

Case Study: We Hold This Truth… Innovation Effort Drives Fans in Person and Online to Declare on the Dotted Line

December 3rd, 2011 by

Leveraging the Fourth of July and the Constitution, the CEA created a declaration of its own. When the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies had already been at war

Quick Study: Public Trusts Media in Spill; Companies Socially Wary; Online Stakeholders Important; 50+ Set on Facebook

June 14th, 2010 by

â–¶ Public Trusts Media in BP Leak: According a recent survey findings by Pew Research Center, the public expresses far more trust in the news media for information about the Gulf oil leak than it… Continued

Visual Value: Questioning Your Video ROI? Consider These Points 

September 20th, 2011 by

Dane Frederiksen, principal at Digital Accomplice, provides five tips for using video content to boost your PR efforts.

PR News Q&A: What Do Facebook Users Really Want?  

September 20th, 2011 by

Leading up to PR News’ Oct. 5 Digital PR Summit in New York, Alpaytac, Inc. president and CEO Huma Gruaz discusses the differences between proven content strategies for Facebook and Twitter, among other subjects.

Tip Sheet: Should We Do PR the ‘Right Way’ or ‘Right Now’?  

September 20th, 2011 by

Communication Sciences International CEO Mike Herman suggests applying the backbone of PR—ethics, information and truth—to all social media actions.